Xero integration for Supplier payments

Xero integration for Supplier payments

Customers can use the Xero integration to create Bill payments for easy processing of supplier payments and/or to reconcile bank statements to itinerary supplier payments. The integration works by first sending supplier payments to Xero to create a link to a newly created draft bill payment. Once the link is created data syncs back and forth between Tourwriter and Xero ensuring the agents and the accounts team are informed as payment reconciliation occurs.

It is recommended customers set up their Chart of Accounts and Product mapping in the Organisation>Accounting tab as part of their Xero setup. The Chart of account in Tourwriter will need to match your Xero Chart of Account to ensure the payments are mapped to accounts as expected.

Note: The Xero API maps Account codes but does not map Tax rates from Tourwriter to Xero. To automatically populate tax rates in your Bill payments you will need to assign a default tax rate to your account codes in Xero for each account..

Setting up Xero

Follow the steps detailed in this help file to setup the Xero integration.

Send to Xero for supplier payments

The Send to Xero feature allows users to create a draft bill payment in Xero for supplier payments when they are ready.  Bill payments that have been created using the integration will sync data changes in both directions between Tourwriter and Xero, adhering to a number of sync rules. 

Users can either Send to Xero one payment at a time or use the Actions button to send in bulk.

Send to Xero one payment

On the supplier payments tab for an itinerary:
  1. For any supplier payment click the …More button to open the More options dialog

  2. Click the Send to Xero option

  3. The Sending to Xero dialog will open whilst the send is in progress

  4. After successful send the Xero reference number will appear in the Reference column and the Xero Draft status will be assigned to the payment

  5. Clicking the hyperlinked reference number will open the Bill payment in Xero (you need to be logged in to Xero for this)

Note: Refer to the tooltip and/or sync rules/logic panel below if the Send to Xero option is not active/greyed out.

Send to Xero using bulk action

On the supplier payments tab for an itinerary:
  1. Select one or more payment line checkboxes

  2. The Actions button will become active/solid grey

  3. Click the Actions button to open the actions dropdown

  4. Click the Send to Xero option

  5. The sending to Xero dialog will open whilst the send is in progress

  6. After successful send the Xero reference number will appear in the Ref column and the Xero Draft status will be assigned to the payment

  7. Clicking one of the hyperlinked reference numbers will open the Bill payment in Xero (you need to be logged in to Xero for this)

Note: Refer to the tooltip and/or sync rules/logic panel below if the Send to Xero option is not active/greyed out. 

Sync rules/logic

Once the Bill payment moves past the Draft status the Supplier payment fields are locked in Tourwriter and can only be edited in Xero. Any edits in Xero will sync back to Tourwriter. 

Send to Xero will not work if a supplier payment is:

  • Locked

  • Paid, Overpaid or part paid

  • Already sent to Xero

Note: Since the following field do not sync 

Sync with Xero will not work if

  • Sync supplier payments configuration is disabled in your Integration settings

  • Something unknown has happened

Bulk actions when Xero enabled

  • Refresh

  • Export CSV

    • When exporting to CSV the Amrk exported payments as paid follows the Mark selected as paid bulk logic specified below

  • Send to Xero

    • Only payments that are unlocked, without an amount paid and not linked to a Xero bill payment can bulk Send to Xero

  • Mark selected as paid

    • Only payments that are unlocked, without an amount paid and not linked to a Xero bill payment can be bulk Marked as paid

  • Lock/Unlock selected

    • Payments can be locked and unlocked in bulk however any locked payment that is linked to Xero will still be updated using the Xero API

  • Delete selected 

    • Only payments that are Unlocked, not assigned an active booking status, without an amount paid and not linked to a Xero bill payment can be bulk deleted

Date mapping when creating a Bill payment in Xero

Tourwriter – Supplier paymentData flowXero – Bill payment
Supplier payment IDReference
Supplier nameContact
Date of creationDate
Due dateDue date
Amount dueUnit price/Total
Quantity x Item name (Option name)Description
Product account codeAccount

Data flow when syncing with a bill payment

Tourwriter – Supplier paymentData flowXero – Bill payment
Due dateDue date
Amount dueAmount due
Date paidDate paid
Amount paidAmount paid

For some reason you may wish to unlink a supplier payment from a Xero Bill payment. To do this:

  1. For any supplier payment click the …More button to open the More options dialog

  2. Click the Unlink from Xero option

  3. The Unlink supplier payment from Xero dialog will open 

  4. After reading the notification click Unlink

  5. The Reference will no longer be hyperlinked and the supplier payment will no longer sync with Xero. 

  6. You may edit or delete the supplier or Send to Xero if you want to create another Bill payment

Note:  Unlinking from Xero will not delete the bill payment in Xero, and if you send this supplier payment to Xero again, it will create a new bill payment. Users should update Xero manually to ensure correct itinerary reconciliation.


What happens if an Items price changes after a Supplier payment has been approved in Xero? 
Once you edit the Item price a warning will appear on the Supplier payments tab because the Price will not reconcile with the supplier payment amount due. Since the Bill payment is already Approved the supplier payment is locked and the Amount due will need to be adjusted in Xero. Once this is saved the Amount due will sync back to Tourwriter and the warning will disappear. 

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