r customers who use Xero as their business accounting software, you can automate a lot of transaction reconciliations by using the Xero integration for Incoming payments. Once the integration is enabled all saved Incoming payments will automatically create draft invoices in Xero. As a Xero invoice is reconciled with bank transactions the linked Incoming payment in Tourwriter will automatically update.
The Xero integration is available for customers on the Premium and Premium + plans.
Table of contents
- Setting up Xero
- Xero integration data flow
- Getting started
- Creating a draft invoice in Xero
- Updating an Invoice in Xero
- Collecting Stripe payments and reconciling with Xero
- Disconnecting your Xero organisation from Tourwriter
- FAQs
Setting up Xero
A User with Admin permissions can connect their Tourwriter organisation to a single Xero organisation.
- Click the Organisation option in the sidebar.
- Click the Integrations tab.
- Click the Connect button alongside the Xero integration option.
- You will be prompted to authorise your Xero account by logging in and then selecting the Xero organisation you wish to connect to.
- Click the blue Allow access button and you will be returned to the Integrations tab.
- After successfully authorising, your Xero organisation will be listed next to the Xero label and the red Disconnect button will display.
Note: A Xero organisation can only be connected to one Tourwriter organisation at a time.
Xero integration data flow for Incoming payments
The integration moves data between Tourwriter and Xero. Some data is created in Tourwriter, can be edited in Xero and also created in Xero. The below list details which fiedls are mapped and indicates the potential data flow.
Incoming payment help file can be found here
Tourwriter – Incoming payment | Date flow | Xero – Invoice |
Payment name (reqd) | | Description |
Amount due (reqd) |  | Price |
Due date (reqd) |  | Due date |
Bill to (reqd) |  | Contact |
Itinerary ID – Itinerary name | | Reference |
Created date |  | Issue date |
| | |
Invoice number |  | Invoice number |
Status |  | Status |
Amount paid |  | Paid |
Date paid |  | Paid Date |
Getting started
When the Xero integration is active some Incoming payment fields are synced from Xero and are no longer editable in Tourwriter. You can only edit synced fields in Tourwriter when the Xero invoice is still in Draft.
These Incoming payments fields can be never be edited when the Xero integration is active:
- Invoice number and Status
- Amount paid and Date paid
These fields can only be edited when the Xero status is Draft:
- Payment name (reqd)
- Payment type (reqd)
- Amount due (reqd)
- Due date (reqd)
- Method
- Bill to (reqd) – creates or matches to an existing Contact in Xero
- Billing address (does not sync to Xero)
- Notes (does not sync to Xero)
Only unsynced fields can be edited in Touwriter when the Xero invoice is one of the Approved statuses (Approved, Sent or Paid).
Creating a draft invoice in Xero
Creating and Saving an Incoming payment will automatically create a Draft Invoice in Xero once the Xero integration is enabled.
- Click Create incoming payment to open the Create incoming payment dialog
- Complete the required fields:
- Payment name
- Payment type
- Amount due
- Due date
- Bill to
- Click Save
- A draft invoice will be generated in Xero and the Invoice number will be populated in Tourwriter. The status will display as Draft.
Note: Users can click the Invoice number hyperlink to go directly to the Invoice in Xero when they are logged into Xero.
Updating an Invoice in Xero
Once an Invoice in Xero is no longer in Draft status (ie Approved, Sent or Paid) then Xero becomes the source of truth and the Incoming payment is locked and can no longer be edited in Tourwriter.
To edit an Incoming payment locked by Xero, you will need to edit the Invoice in Xero or set the status in Xero to Draft, which will release the Xero lock.
Collecting Stripe payments and reconciling with Xero
When the Stripe integration is enabled, customers can collect payments from Stripe via the Pay now button. When the Xero and Stripe integrations are both enabled, any payments received via Stripe will need to be reconciled in Xero before the Incoming payment displays the Paid status.
Stripe integration details can be found here.
Rules for when both Stripe and Xero integrations are active:
- Not paid in Stripe but Pay now enabled = the Incoming payment will display Stripe method.
- Paid in Stripe but not reconciled in Xero = the Amount paid will be light grey with the credit symbol displayed
- Paid in Stripe and reconciled in Xero = the the Amount paid will be populated with the status Paid in green
Disconnecting your Xero organisation from Tourwriter
If you no longer wish your Incoming payments to create and link with Xero invoices you can disconnect your Xero organisation. Disconnecting means creating an incoming payment will no longer create draft invoices in Xero. All previously linked incoming payments will display in Tourwriter however any updates in Xero will not longer push back into Tourwriter.
To disconnect:
- Click the Organisation option in the sidebar.
- Click the Integrations tab.
- Click the red Disconnect button alongside the Xero integration option.
- You are now disconnected and the grey Connect button will now display for the Xero integration option.
Note: You can reconnect to a Xero organisation at any time. Once connected to a new organisation any new incoming payments will link with this new organisation.
- How to I know the Xero integration is active?
- On the Integrations page the grey Connect button will instead be a red Disconnect button
- When creating a new Incoming payment the blue Xero logo will display next to the Amount paid column.
- Can I connect more than one Xero organisation to my Tourwriter account?
- A Xero organisation can only be connected to one Tourwriter organisation at a time.
- When I am in Xero, how do I know which Incoming payment created the Invoice?
- The easiest way is to click the Go to Tourwriter quicklink in Xero. This will open the Incoming payment directly in the Tourwriter app. Alternatively, when the Xero invoice is first created the Reference number in Xero stores the ItineraryID. Copy the first 4 digits and use the Global search in Tourwriter.
- If I disconnect the Xero integration will I lose all the linked invoice data?
- No. All previously linked incoming payments will display in Tourwriter however any updates in Xero will not longer push back into Tourwriter.
- Why can’t I edit a Xero approved invoice in Tourwriter?
- A Xero Invoice that is one of the Approved, Sent or Paid statuses can not be edited in Tourwriter because Xero approved invoices can only be updated in Xero. This is a restriction of the Xero API. Any changes to the Incoming payment will need to be made in Xero or the invoice will need to be updated to Draft status.