Through the Tourwriter integration with the AxusTravelApp, you can share a Tourwriter itinerary to your Axus account. Each user can store their Axus login information in their user profile in Tourwriter. You can also re-share a previously shared itinerary. Follow these steps to complete the integration setup.
The integration is available for subscribers on the Tourwriter Premium plan.
Enable the Axus Travel App integration for your Organisation
- Access the Organisation settings by clicking the organisation label
- Click the Integrations tab
- Click the Request access button for the Axus integration
- Read and accept the Axus Travel App terms and conditions
- After confirming the status will display as Active
Note: Only Users with Admin level permissions can enable the Integration.
Setup Axus user credentials in Tourwriter
After setting up your Axus user account, you need to enter your Axus Username and Password into your Tourwriter profile. This process links your Tourwriter profile with your Axus account.
- Click your User profile to access your admin dashboard
- Click on the Axus tab
- Enter your Axus Username
- Enter your Axus Password
- Click Save
Note: If a User has previously added a password and they want to update/change the Username or password, then they can click the Change password button, then update the data and click Save.
Share itinerary to Axus
After designing your itinerary in Tourwriter you can share the content to Axus using the Share to Axus function. The important itinerary information such as dates, times and quantities including both supplier and product descriptions.
- After designing your itinerary click the Share label
- Select Share to Axus (Note: If you User account is not configured correctly Share to Axus will be inactive status
- Update visibility settings (see below)
- Click Send
Note: After Sharing to Axus, any data added to the Axus itinerary in Axus, will be retained when the itinerary is re-shared from Tourwriter.
Create new itinerary in Axus
By default each successive Send to Axus updates the previous version of the itinerary in Axus. You can create a a new itinerary in Axus by checking the Create new itinerary in Axus checkbox.
Note: After clicking Send Tourwriter will no longer send itineraries to any previously sent itinerary.
Manage visibility settings
When sharing an itinerary to Axus you can manage visibility settings for these fields:
- Itinerary name
- Item times
- Supplier details (including by Product type)
After clicking Share to Axus the Send itinerary to Axus dialog will open. Toggle a field to either Hide or Show to hide or show the data in Axus. The Supplier details toggle enables you to hide details by Type by unchecking individual types.