How to to add or edit pricing defaults for your supplier
The pricing area is a tab that appear once you've completed the initial setup for your supplier.
This area sets the default pricing settings for the supplier that will be applied across all options and products.
2. Click on the 'Suppliers' tab
2. Select a supplier to add pricing to by clicking on the supplier's name
3. Click on the 'Pricing' tab
4. Select the default margin for the supplier and enter a default markup %
5. Select the currency paid to the supplier - type in the currency and a dropdown will appear to select from

Note: Changing the currency of a supplier will edit new and exisiting supplier rates. Any itineraries using these rates need to refresh these rates will need to refresh their prices to use the new currency.
6. Enter the supplier payment terms starting with how a due date for payment to the supplier will be generated. Click on the down arrow to generate a dropdown list of options.
7. Select how a due date will be generated by clicking on one of the dropdown options.
8. Enter any notes you have about the supplier payments in the 'Payment details' free text area.