Making Bookings and Emailing Suppliers

Making Bookings and Emailing Suppliers

The Booking feature in Tourwriter lets users send booking requests and assign booking statuses to each itinerary booking. You can group or ungroup itinerary bookings before sending them to the Supplier. This article introduces you to the Booking feature in Tourwriter and guides you through the steps to send a booking request to a Supplier.

The Bookings tab

When you are ready to send supplier booking email, move to the Bookings tab where you filter/view Items by Booking Status or Product Type.

Grouped Bookings

The Grouping feature lets you book multiple services offered by a Supplier by sending them a single email. Items are grouped by supplier email address.

  • Bookings grouped by a Supplier email displays an icon under the Type column on the Bookings and Supplier payment tabs, detailing the number of Product items that will be grouped.
  • When sending a booking request to a supplier for multiple items only the primary email will be sent to the supplier. The primary email is identified by info icon next to the supplier email address


Manually Assigning a Booking Status

In Tourwriter, bookings are assigned a status. Set a Booking status in bulk to track its progress.

  • Select one or more bookings to activate the Change status button.
  • Click the Change status drop-down menu and select a status from the following categories: AvailabilityBookingAmendment and Cancellation.
  • Once selected, the status of the booking appears in the Status column.

Note: If the booking status has changed more than once, you can click the History Clock icon to view the Booking history in a separate window.

Editing a Booking

The Edit Booking dialog allows the User to edit individual Item status and add relevant booking details. 

  1. Select the Option menu (three dots) at the end of the Item row and choose Edit Booking. The Edit Booking dialog is displayed.
  2. Add the following details:
    • Booking status: Select a Booking status from the from the drop-down list.
    • Booking reference. Manually enter the Booking reference number. Add a confirmation number once you confirm the booking. Additionally, if you use the Supplier Confirmation feature, this field automatically updates.
    • Private note: Add a personal message for an itinerary Collaborator.
    • Note from supplier: Add information that your supplier passes on to you. The field automatically updates if you use Supplier Supplier Confirmation feature just like the Booking reference field.
    • Note to traveller: Add information to pass on to the travellers.
      • The note to travellers only appears on final itineraries for items with one of the following booking statuses:
        • Availability confirmed
        • Booking confirmed
        • Booking confirmed from allotment
        • Amendment confirmed
        • Cancellation confirmed
        • Cancellation confirmed with fee
    • Note to supplier: Add a message in the body of the email that’ll be sent to the supplier.
  1. Click Save to confirm.

Send a Booking email

Review the booking details in the Send booking section before sending them across.

  1. Select one or more bookings to activate the Send booking button. 
  2. Click the Send booking button and select a template from five different booking cycles.

Note: The Booking cycle chosen determines the booking status, once sent. Text in the body of the booking email is based on the Booking template selected. You can setup the body text for each Booking template in Organisation-> Defaults-> Supplier booking emails-> Booking email settings (click Expand all)

  1. Edit the following details:-
    • The Included details drop-down lets you hand-pick details to add to the email body.
    • The Email settings options:  Tick the Bcc to sender checkbox to send a an email copy to yourself. Group emails by recipient email address through the Group by recipient option, so you don’t send multiple emails to the same address. For example, if you have set up multiple hotels from the same hotel chain and they are being booked through a central reservations email.
    • The Override global settings option lets you override the email settings from Organisation-> Defaults-> Supplier booking emails-> Booking email settings.
    • Edit Send booking email: User can can free type an valid email address into the email address field by overtyping the prepopulated default Supplier email.
    • Edit email Subject line
    • Edit email Intro section
    • Edit email Supplier confirmation info section
    • Edit email Outro section
    • The text in the Note to supplier field, added in the Edit Booking window can be overwritten in the Send booking section.
  2. Click Send xxxxxx request to send the Booking email.

Enable supplier confirmations to your Booking Request

When selecting the Enable supplier confirmations option in the email settings, Tourwriter will add a hyperlink to your booking request email(s) which your supplier can use to confirm booking direct into your Tourwriter account.

Supplier confirmation page

The supplier receiving the email has the option to click the hyperlink to choose one of the following: confirmdeclinewaitlist or provisionally hold a booking request. The supplier can enter a confirmation number and add additional information in the note field. The information is then accessible in the Note from supplier field in the Edit Booking window.

Note: When the supplier chooses to provisionally hold a booking, they can also enter the provisional hold expiry date.

After the supplier logs all information, you will receive a courtesy email outlining details they have entered. Please note that the courtesy email received is for your records, all details are automatically logged in Tourwriter.

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