Duplicate Itineraries, Suppliers and More

Duplicate Itineraries, Suppliers and More

The Duplicate functionality lets you copy several objects within Tourwriter. You can copy your Itineraries, Suppliers, Products and Options. The functionality lets you use an itinerary or a supplier as a template and base other itineraries or suppliers around it.

Duplicating Itineraries

The option to duplicate an itinerary is available on the Itinerary list.

  1. Navigate to the Itineraries tab in the navigation bar.
  2. Select the Options menu (three dots) at the end of the row for the itinerary you wish to copy and choose Duplicate from the dropdown list.

  1. Overtype the name of the copied itinerary on the Duplicate itinerary window. The name defaults with the term “Copy of” being appended before the original itinerary name.

  1. Enter the start and end dates for the copied itinerary.
  2. Select Refresh all unlocked rates to move the itinerary Booking prices to a relevant rate period spanning the itinerary start & end date.

Note: Locked rates are not auto-refreshed. To refresh rates on a copied itinerary with locked rates, unlock the pricing in the Manage > Pricing section and select Update items.

  1. Select Create duplicate to create a copy of the itinerary. The copied itinerary appears on the top of the list.

Here’s a table explaining the default changes made when an itinerary is duplicated. You can edit the changes after duplicating the itinerary.

FeaturesDefault valuesNotes
Itinerary name“Copy of [original itinerary name]”.
Start dateToday’s date
End dateEnd date as per the duration of the original itineraryThe itinerary duration can be modified once the itinerary is copied.
Itinerary status“Proposal”
Confirm statusUnconfirmed
Traveller detailsBlank
Itinerary commentsBlank
Contributor/Intermediary recordsBlank
Booking RecordsReset to: ‘Not yet requested’’


Duplicating Suppliers

Similar to duplicating itineraries, Tourwriter lets you duplicate your suppliers while keeping the products, options and rate periods of the original supplier intact.

  1. Navigate to the Suppliers List by selecting Suppliers on the Navigation bar.
  2. Select the Options menu (three dots) at the end of the row for the supplier you wish to copy and choose Duplicate from the dropdown list.
  3. Overtype the supplier name. The name of the copied supplier defaults to “Copy of ” followed by the original supplier name.
  4. Select Create duplicate to create a copy of the supplier. The copied supplier appears on the top of the list.

Note: The copied supplier has all the features of the original Supplier copied, including products, product options, rates, description and images.

Duplicating Products

The Duplicate functionality can further be extended to replicating supplier products.

  1. After you select a supplier, head to the Products tab to view the list of supplier products.
  2. Select Duplicate from the list of dropdown options in the Option menu.
  3. The Duplicate product window pops up. You can rename the new product. The product name defaults to “Copy of “ followed by the original Product name.

Note: The copied product includes the product options, rates, descriptions and images from the original product.

Duplicating Options

Besides duplicating products, you can duplicate product options. The Options subtab is available once a product is selected.

  1. After selecting a product, go to the Options subtab in the navigation bar to view the list of options available for the product.
  2. Select Duplicate from the list of dropdown options in the Option menu to open the Duplicate Option window.
  3. You can rename the option name. The option name defaults to “Copy of “ followed by the original option name.

Note: The copied option includes the rates from the original option.

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