This article will help you understand how to create a new itinerary, which can be accessed after clicking Itineraries in the main sidebar.
A new itinerary is created by clicking the Create itinerary button in the top right corner. You are then directed to a new Create itinerary page.
Tip: The Itinerary title will appear in the itinerary that is sent to your travellers, and as such we recommend that you choose a title that you are happy to share with them, e.g. John and Joan McLean’s Italian Escape.
Note: If you wish to move the itinerary dates after establishing the itinerary duration, ensure the Automatically move end date checkbox is ticked to retain the itinerary duration, as shown below.
As a User I want to share a unique ItineraryID with Travellers and Suppliers so it is easy for them and the User to identify which Itinerary they are discussing or working on together. Though there is an unique ItineraryID in the URL, it is not user friendly.
A user friendly ItineraryID is now added to the Itinerary setup tab. This ID is based on the first 8 characters in Capital from the itinerary URL.
Example, if the url is then the Itinerary ID will be 1446 E453
This ItineraryID can be displayed in Itinerary PDF export and Supplier booking emails. This ItineraryID can also be used in Global search (Ctrl + K) and Itinerary search
The itinerary owner or an organization admin is able to change the itinerary owner on the setup page, and the previous owner will automatically become a contributor to that itinerary.
Note: The Itinerary owner field can not be left blank. If a replacement Itinerary owner is not selected the previous owner retains ownership.
User can now change the Itinerary status directly from the Setup up. Use the dropdown and select the appropriate Itinerary Status.
User can now set a Sale date for an Itinerary. This date will indicate when the Itinerary was sold. User can manually set the date or it will set todays date if the Sale date is blank(not set) and:
An Agent(non Admin user) only has access to the Itinerary that he has created. He cannot access Itineraries created by other Users.
Adding a Contributor(an Agent) to an Itinerary makes the Itinerary accessible to that Agent for making any changes.
To add contributors to your itinerary follow below steps:
Note: The order in which the Travellers are displayed in the Itinerary Setup tab, it will appear in the same order on the Preview tab, Itinerary PDF export, Travellers list export and Privately shared Itinerary.
The Notes section can be used to include additional travel information including the travellers’ likes and dislikes. These notes are for your own use (i.e. private) and are not published on the itinerary preview.
Now that you have added the initial information to your itinerary, move on to Building your itinerary
The Itinerary list view displays all your itineraries. On the navigation bar select Itineraries to access the Itineraries list view. The default view is to display all itineraries which is showcased by the All column displaying in bold. You can filter your itineraries by Proposals, Accepted itineraries, Finals or Alerts. Selecting either of the filter options limits your itinerary view just by that category. You can further search an itinerary by its name. Click on Search and type the itinerary title (or one or more words within the itinerary title) in the Search field.
Apart from itinerary statuses, you can also filter itineraries by Alert counts. If an itinerary is not confirmed 14 days before its start date, the itinerary is marked inactive. Filtering itineraries by alert counts displays inactive and to-be inactive itineraries along with their count. An itinerary is highlighted by an orange alert symbol if the itinerary will be inactive 28 days before the itinerary start date. And is highlighted by a red alert symbol, and subsequently becomes inactive, 14 days before the itinerary start date. The itinerary will be grayed out and messaging informing you that this itinerary is inactive will show when attempting to access the itinerary.