Add a traveller to your itinerary

Add a traveller to your itinerary

How to add a traveller to an itinerary


You can add the travellers to your itinerary at any stage of the build process.

Adding the travellers to an itinerary enables you to easily share the itinerary directly with the traveller using the share function. 


1. Click 'Add a traveller' which will open a dropdown. 

2. Select from the dropdown. You can either add an existing contact from your contacts library (for repeat customers) or create a new one.


Create new traveller

3. If you select 'Create new' it will take you through to add the traveller details. 

Once you have entered the traveller name and email, you can slide the toggle across if you want to save the traveller to your contacts library. 

Click 'Save'.

A warning will appear. Review the warning and if you agree with the statement, mark the check box.  

Click 'Accept' to accept and close the warning.

Add existing traveller contact

If you select add existing traveller - search for the traveller by name or email. 

Click 'Add contact'.

4. The traveller will now appear on the 'Setup' tab.

Edit saved contact: If you've saved the contact to your contacts library you can view the contact by clicking on the contact card icon labelled 1.
Delete traveller: To delete the traveller from the itinerary, click on the rubbish bin icon labelled 2
Edit traveller who isn't saved as contact: If you haven't saved the contact to your contacts library, click on the pencil icon labelled 3. to edit the traveller details. You cannot edit the email address of a traveller who is not a saved contact. To do this you need to delete and re-add the traveller. 

Note: The order in which the Travellers are displayed in the Itinerary Setup tab, it will appear in the same order on the 'Preview' tab, Itinerary PDF export, travellers list export and privately shared Itinerary.

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